Business Agility at Enterprise scale
The DataMPowered Platform offers full self-services capabilities to business users, while ensuring scalability, security and data-governance capabilities. DatMPowered offers unrivalled simplicity and speed in application building, customization and maintenance, ensuring a “Time to Solution” and a “Total Cost of Ownership” that is unachievable with traditional BI solutions.
Scale applications across the globe, 24 X 7
The DataMpowered multi-tenancy multi-region architecture and load balancing ensures horizontal scalability with read and write support. It provides cutting-edge technological resolutions to the architectural problems usually experienced in large and geographically distributed implementations, such as large data volumes, high numbers of users, 24 X 7 availability, management of simultaneous processes and geo-latency.
Multiple layers of security
DataMpowered’s multi-layer security model is built to support the highest level of security requirements of any organization.
- A first authentication layer, supporting full integration with Windows, LDAP or PKI methods, ensures that only verified users are granted access to the platform.
- A second authorization layer combines data access security with application privileges and action permissions, providing pervasive, granular, cell-level data security that can be easily personalized for each individual, user role, and user group.
- An advanced security management environment enables users to delegate security administration to other key users, decentralizing the security model to perfectly adapt it to complex organizational structures.
Integrate and Federate data across any data source
Through its physical and logical Multidimensional Databases, DataMpowered provides a single metadata gateway that allows any data to be used as if it was native to DataMpowered.
Data is normalized and organized in DataMPowered’s data models, allowing end-users to read, write, and update them regardless of data sources. Behind the scenes, administrators have the freedom to decide which data to store in DataMpowered’s multi-dimensional databases, and which to leave in place and manage through DataMpowered’s data- federation capabilities.
DataMpowered manages the two different options, providing business users with a single and seamless view of the data. This model also applies to data-entry processes.